
Eduction in Afghanistan & Relocation of Refugee Families 

Since 2014, SE-AD has aided students in grades K-6 to attend school in Farah, Afghanistan. Long term, the goal is to continue to support these students through high school graduation and encourage college attendance. 

As of 2021, SE-AD is adding support to at-risk Afghan families to safely relocate outside their home country.  After relocation, SE-AD will also assist with establishing local support relationships, accommodations, and job placement. 



Afghanistan-based Living Necessities

Sadly, many are unable to work given new governing laws.  Women, who were previously educated and employed, are no longer permitted to work. Additionally, many men are struggling to find jobs with the collapse of the econo...

Relocation Assistance

SE-AD will assist with relocation efforts for those who are seeking refuge outside Afghanistan. There are many costs involved in this process, included but not limited to: Obtaining passports to exit the country Travel...

School in Farah

SE-AD's educational goal is to help twenty children in Farah, Afghanistan attend and graduate from high school, as well as encourage college attendance.